Thursday, November 3, 2011


We just learned logarithms in class today and I don't get them. :( There are very hard.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is my all-time favorite author. She made my childhood wonderful through her excellently written series: Harry Potter. This series is about a boy with magical powers who has to protect not only the magical world but the muggle(non-magic-folk) world as well. Harry is protecting the world for an evil wizard named Voldemort. Voldemort is a mass murderer searching for world control. J.K. Rowling came up with this incredible idea on a train.
J.K. Rowling brings the phrase "rags to riches" to a whole new meaning. She was in poverty for a great portion of her life before she wrote the books. Now she is the first U.S. billionaire author, the second-richest female entertainer and the 1,062nd richest person in the world. She is my inspiration and I really love her story.

If you have read the Harry Potter series then you know of the drink that many of the characters love to drink: Butterbeer. :)

Butterbeer Recipe

5 tablespoons butter

1 cup dark brown sugar

½ cup heavy cream

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar

½ cup heavy cream

½ teaspoon rum extract

6 12-ounce bottles cream soda (made with real cane sugar), extremely cold

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Story

This story I came across while surfing the internet and I though it was worth sharing. Have a very scary Halloween!

Axe Murder Hollow

A Pennsylvania Ghost Story

retold by S.E. Schlosser

Susan and Ned were driving through a wooded empty section of highway. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, the sky went dark in the torrential downpour.
“We’d better stop,” said Susan.
Ned nodded his head in agreement. He stepped on the brake, and suddenly the car started to slide on the slick pavement. They plunged off the road and slid to a halt at the bottom of an incline.
Pale and shaking, Ned quickly turned to check if Susan was all right. When she nodded, Ned relaxed and looked through the rain soaked windows.
“I’m going to see how bad it is,” he told Susan, and when out into the storm. She saw his blurry figure in the headlight, walking around the front of the car. A moment later, he jumped in beside her, soaking wet.
“The car’s not badly damaged, but we’re wheel-deep in mud,” he said. “I’m going to have to go for help.”
Susan swallowed nervously. There would be no quick rescue here. He told her to turn off the headlights and lock the doors until he returned.
Axe Murder Hollow. Although Ned hadn’t said the name aloud, they both knew what he had been thinking when he told her to lock the car. This was the place where a man had once taken an axe and hacked his wife to death in a jealous rage over an alleged affair. Supposedly, the axe-wielding spirit of the husband continued to haunt this section of the road.
Outside the car, Susan heard a shriek, a loud thump, and a strange gurgling noise. But she couldn’t see anything in the darkness.
Frightened, she shrank down into her seat. She sat in silence for a while, and then she noticed another sound. Bump. Bump. Bump. It was a soft sound, like something being blown by the wind.
Suddenly, the car was illuminated by a bright light. An official sounding voice told her to get out of the car. Ned must have found a police officer. Susan unlocked the door and stepped out of the car. As her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she saw it.
Hanging by his feet from the tree next to the car was the dead body of Ned. His bloody throat had been cut so deeply that he was nearly decapitated. The wind swung his corpse back and forth so that it thumped against the tree. Bump. Bump. Bump.
Susan screamed and ran toward the voice and the light. As she drew close, she realized the light was not coming from a flashlight. Standing there was the glowing figure of a man with a smile on his face and a large, solid, and definitely real axe in his hands. She backed away from the glowing figure until she bumped into the car.
“Playing around when my back was turned,” the ghost whispered, stroking the sharp blade of the axe with his fingers. “You’ve been very naughty.”
The last thing she saw was the glint of the axe blade in the eerie, incandescent light.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Really Bad Pick Up Lines

  • You're so hot you melt the plastic in my underwear.
  • You make my software turn into hardware.
  • I know I don't look like much, but I'm drinking milk.
  • Hi, the voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you.
  • I'd marry your cat get to get in your family.
I hope this help you. Please before you say something out-loud; think it over.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Math Class :)

My math class is amazing. I'm taking Honors Algebra 2 taught by Mrs. Kuch. Mrs. Kuch is awesome. She is a great teacher and today she let us order pizza! A few days ago we asked if she wanted some Ecstasy (not really Ecstasy, it's a candy) and Mrs. Kuch replied, "No thanks. I'm trying to quit." It was soooo funny. She is so awesome. I will include a picture of a basket of puppies so you know how great she is.

Monday, October 17, 2011

This Weekend :)

This weekend was awesome. There were a number of things that made this weekend pretty much amazing. Firth, the 49'ers won against the Lions. It was an incredible game. Then, we went to the Glenshire school and waited for Nick O. to come there. Then we ambushed him and shot him with air-soft guns.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Cool Eyes

Aren't eyes soooo cool. The more I think about eyes the more awesome they seem. They are orbs of jelly that allow humans to see things. Some are blue, green, brown, and hazel. Also, eyes are pretty like that one.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Today I am going to a wonderful place called "Woodleaf." I have been twice in my life and now I am going for a third time. Then first time I went I went as a sixth-grader for a science camp thingy.
The second time I went it was for Younglife summer camp and it was AMAZING!!! Best week of my life. During that week there were student volunteers helping out. Some were servers in the dinning hall, some washed the dishes, some made the food, and some cleaned. They really kept the place running in tip-top shape. Now I'm going for the third time as one of those student volunteers. I am going with Marley Palmer, Diana Rosas, and Lauren Peak (there are sooooo awesome). I leave at three o'clock today from the school. I CAN'T WAIT!!
I will write about how it is was when I get back...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One more story... for now :P


Remorse is a terrible thing, impossible to imagine by those who have never felt its pangs, unrivaled to any other human experience. It is like a burning tumor that throbs and preys on your peace of mind, haunts you, exhausts you, and robs you of the very power to enjoy anything.

I have to live with the worst remorse possible for me. I killed my wife. My beloved Caroline. She was everything to me and now she is dead. Everyone tells me it isn’t my fault, but I know it is. If it wasn’t for my idiocy she would still be here and I would still have a wife.

The Day happened three months, two weeks, and four days ago. It was the first night of our honeymoon. We were celebrating our marriage on Moss Point, a beach I spend years of my childhood on. We drove there after we had dinner at really nice restaurant that Caroline picked out. I didn’t drink at the restaurant because I knew alcohol and driving don’t coincide together. We had an early dinner so we could catch the sunset.

It was an amazing sunset to help finish off an amazing day. It was filled with hues of red, orange, gold, pink, and a little bit of purple. Caroline then pulled out a bottle of champagne, “I know don’t like to drink the same nights you drive, but could you please tonight, for me?

“Fine, for you. And because tonight is our honeymoon,” I replied.

She handed me the bottle and I popped off the cork. She surprised me again when she pulled two plastic cups out of her bejeweled purse. She dug out two holes in the sand to place the cups in. Then I poured the champagne into the cups and we drank.

It was perfect, every little detail was perfect. The soft sand moving in between our toes, the surging blue water, the sun dipping below the horizon creating a magnificent sunset, and Caroline. Sweet sweet Caroline, my world, the reason I live. The sun finally set, leaving us for the night, and leaving Caroline forever.

We hoped into our car, feeling a little tipsy. I told myself that I could drive just fine and that we could make it to the hotel. As the car started we both began to laugh for no reason. Somewhere deep down my conscience was screaming don’t drive the car, but my brain was clouded for the alcohol and I brushed the thought away like the windshield wipers in front of me. The rain came down so unexpectedly, for we had just watched a breathtaking sunset with no clouds in sight.

The rains effect was instant. The road immediately became slick and the car started to drift on all the turns I made. Then the bend in the road came. The one that would alter my life indefinitely. I tried to turn the car but it was unresponsive, in a last ditch effort I slammed on the brakes but it made no difference the car just keep barreling forward toward the guardrail. The guardrail had no effect at all; we plowed through it like a hot knife through butter.

We plummeted down the rocky hillside occasionally flipping and rolling over. I looked over at Caroline. She was screaming and she had a gash above her right eye. The moment our eyes made contact the car hit the water. I managed to get out of the car, but my beloved Caroline was not so lucky. She perished in the car. And now when I think of her all I can think of is her face covered in blood.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Next Chapter


Chapter Two

The lights are flickering and the hallway looks never ending. I would be hard enough with people at your side, but I was all alone like a piece of drift wood out in the ocean. I started to walk towards my locker #407. I was aware of people looking, snickering, laughing, and whispering about me but I ignored it. Why succumb to the taunts, I was stronger than that. If they we going to talk amongst themselves why should I care, what did it matter to me. I kept telling myself that over and over again but my feelings didn’t change.

First period passed with mild whispering the same volume as in the hallway. But through second and third period the volume of the voices began to rise. Once or twice I heard wisps of their conversations; “look at that thing on her head”, “gosh that must suck”, “what a loser.” I knew they didn’t mean for me to hear because when they realized I was eavesdropping all of them blushed scarlet red.

I knew there are mean kids that are just dying to make fun of me, the second after I thought that a contradicting little voice in the back of my mind said “Have more faith in your peers, there aren’t that mean.” The Universe just loves to prove me wrong, doesn’t it?

Midway through lunch someone I remembered from last year walked up to me and asked me “Hey when did you get the gear.” I then replied with “Over the summer.” He started to laugh and I didn’t get what he thought was so funny till he yelled really loud “FREAK, you look like you just came out of a robot movie, ha-ha BRACE FACE!”

Everybody laughed; I'm not just saying “everybody” just to make it sound like there was a lot of people, literally every single person laughed at me. Something took over me it was like I was in a movie theater watching myself; completely powerless. I slapped him as hard as I could with my bulky back pack on and ran to the bathroom crying. I heard the lunch bell ring and knew there was no way to get to class in time. So, I sat there in the stall my tears hitting the metal of the head gear before slowing falling off and splashing sadly on the floor.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Story


Chapter One

My name is Stacy Smith and I attend Sonley High School in Portland, Oregon. It is pretty here, a great place to grow up, great walking city, and plenty of things to do.

I am what you would call a loner, but I have gotten dork, nerd, loser and ugly as well. I used to have two best friends you can possibly imagine, Carly and Hannah. They were always there for me and we always had great times together. Then, Carly found out she was moving to a weird place called Truckee, California. Carly was the person in our group that held everything and everyone together. So, after she left Hannah and I and we slowly just drifted apart. This all happened near the end of our 8th grade year.

So here I was I was no friends, all alone heading of to high school scared and nervous could it get any worse? A week later in the end of July my Orthodontist answered that question in I way I wished he wouldn’t, “You’re getting full on head-gear and neck-gear.” Great just when I thought I couldn’t get any worse it got ten times worse. Now I have no friends and I to walk around with huge hunks of metal in and around my head.

It is now august and my appointment is speeding toward me. It seems the more I don’t want to get the braces the faster the date speeds toward me. I was dreading it so much crazy ideas started to form in my head… should I run away?...should I run of and join the circus? No none of these things would help. Then I started to devise ways to hide the braces…I will where hoods to hide the head-gearI will where scarves to hide the neck-gear… A week before the appointment the crazy ideas faded and I was struck with the reality that I could not avoid the braces and that I would have to deal with it.

I’m nervous and scared because tomorrow school starts……… Well, it should be fun.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another Story For Creative Writing


The colossal spider picked my mother up and I could see her turning paler and paler. I could vividly see her bones turning gelatinous; drooping lower and getting soggier. Only being a nine year old girl, I thought this was a joke and my dad would spring out of the spider as if it was a suit, my mother would get up and we would all laugh. I realized this wasn’t a game when the spider turned on me and I ran through the living room to the kitchen and saw with a shock my drained pale dad on the kitchen floor. The spider hadn’t been interrupted when it attacked my dad so I had had time to suck out all of his insides. He was now no more than a mound of dead skin heaped in a mass on the ground. A tear started well up in my eye for my parents, but then I thought If I stand here and morn for them I will be killed as well.

Then I saw it, my tiny raw of hope for survival, the ancient machete my dad had kept above the fireplace for decoration. The machete caught my eye because light from the TV reflected it perfectly; it was still playing my father’s favorite movie “Saw 2”. I knew if I could get to the machete before the spider got to me I would have a chance at living. I sprinted over to the fireplace faster than I had ever run in my life. Right as I reached the ancient blade I heard the spider enter the room. I yanked it of the wall and spun wildly on the spot. One thought was reverberating through my skull, kill Kill KILL!!! I thrust the old metal through the spider’s head as it lunged low to grab my small body.

The second the machete was fully submersed in the spider’s skull it let of a moan of pure pain and with a sickening POP it exploded all of the living room. So there I was only nine drenched in spider entrails and the half digested insides of my parents.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Story I Wrote

This is a story I wrote last year in creative writing.

The Crash
On Board Flight 1867
Kristin sighed in relief. The eleven hour flight was nearly over, only about two hours left to go. She looked out the window but quickly turned her head back, for the sun on the horizon had stunned her dilated eyes. The sunlight now streamed through the windows aboard the airplane, looking more like beams of gold than actual sunlight.
She looked over at her husband who was giving Avery the last of her milk. “That tastes good doesnt it?” he muttered softly to her, tickling her chin. Avery nosily sucked the little bit of milk that was left in the bottle and pushed it away with her tiny hands. Kristin, for she loved to do this, reached over picked up little Avery, raised the infant over her shoulder, and began to pat Averys back. After about thirty seconds she let out a gurgling burp and relaxed.
Kristin and her husband, James, had taken a cheaper airline to save up money. It would be useful for paying the bills for a couple weeks till Jamess paychecks started to roll in. James is going to work at some law firm; Kristin didnt really care which one because it was a well paying job and kept food on the table.
Kristin swiveled in her seat and looked up the aisle. Breakfast should be here soon, Kristin thought. The flight crew had been very nice, but the stewardess seemed a bit discombobulated. Meals coming at the wrong time, her giving the wrong drinks to people, and walking back and forth the aisle for no reason. So, it surprised Kristin not to see her prowling up and down the aisle.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” Kristin murmured to her husband.
She got up and walked down the aisle till she reached the bathroom. It was unlocked so she stepped inside. When she was done she hopped out and looked at the cockpit door; it was wide open. She was surprised at the casualness of the pilots. Even though she knew that Asian crews often did this it still struck her as inappropriate, too informal. After a year in China, she started to admire the attention to detail the Chinese had. But for some reason this whole flight made her nervous.
“Hey babe,” James whispered in Kristins ear when she sat back down in her seat. Kristin knew that he was just trying to distracter her; he must have seen her worried face.
“What is the first thing you want when we land in America?” he asked.
“A cheeseburger,” she blurted out with out thinking, “I definitely want a cheeseburger.”
“With some Chinese hot sauce,” he said with a grin.
“God no, Just a cheeseburger. With tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, onions, and a lot of ketchup.”
“That does sound good,” James agreed his eyes deep with longing.
“Oh, James get the video camera out you have to record this,” Kristin said smiling. Avery was now laughing hysterically; it was the cutest thing you could imagine. Her little body vibrating from the giggles that rippled down her petite body. James grabbed the camera and started to record Avery.
“Do you want a cheeseburger too,” James asked her, laughing himself.
Avery grabbed her foot, dragged it to her mouth, and began to gnaw on her little toes.
“Not waiting for the stewardess to bring breakfast Avery?” James asked.
Then Kristin heard a lower rumbling, similar to a vibration, which seemed to be coming from the wing. She whipped her head around and exclaimed, “What was that?”
“Calm down Kristin, its probably just some wing adjustments,” James glanced at his watch still laughing, “Were almost there.”
But as he said it, the plane shuddered and the front of the plan began to dive down. Everything was tilted at crazy angles. Kristin felt Avery begin to slide, so she instinctively snatched her baby up and held her against her chest. The plane felt like it was going straight down. But the moment this thought crossed her mind the plane violently pivoted upwards.
Abruptly Kristin was lifted out of her seat and was slammed against the roof. She cursed at herself for not wearing her seatbelt. Why the #@$% didnt I put my seatbelt on after I got back from the bathroom? Kristin lurched for the seat belt with one arm, still clutching Avery in the other, and managed to grasp the seat belt. She slipped into her seat and looked at the scene around her.
Kristin saw James get slammed into the luggage compartment. He was unconscious and had blood all over his face. The camera must have left Jamess hand because and instant later it flew in front of Kristens face. She heard an automated voice call out, “Engine Failure, Engine Failure.” Kristen watched as yellow plastic oxygen masks dropped down, but she could not reach one because she feared she might leave the seat again if she tried.
All of the sudden the plane went into another abrupt dive and she was pressed back against her seat. Then a teenage boy rocketed down the aisle toward the cockpit and an elderly Chinese lady followed close behind him. Briefcases and purses bounced of the back of her seat and every so often a body would hit the back of Kristens seat with a cold, muffled thud. Kristen lowered her head onto her infant daughters and for the first time in her life she started to pray.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


  1. A towel.

  2. Lying. If he were telling the truth, then the statement "everything I say to you is a lie," would be true; however, since the statement indicates that he's lying, he can't be telling the truth.

  3. The question was asked in 1988.

Did you get them?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cool Riddles

  1. What gets wetter the more it dries?

  2. A man walks up to you and says - "everything I say to you is a lie." Is he telling you the truth or is he lying?

  3. A man was born in 1955. He's alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible?

Think about those..... I will tell the answers in my next post.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Fermented, roasted, shelled, and ground cacao seeds, often combined with a sweetener or flavoring agent is the direct definition of chocolate. I love chocolate, a lot, it is probably the best thing on this planet. I like it in all forms. Such as plain chocolate, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, chocolate syrup, chocolate fudge, chocolate cake, chocolate cupcakes, chocolate chips, brownies, M&M's, and chocolate ice cream. My favorite of those is probably just regular old milk chocolate.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Optical Illusions

I really like optical illusions and cool thing that make me think. Kind of like this picture.

Which ball is bigger?

They are both the same size, cool huh. :P

Friday, September 2, 2011

Things I Hate

I hate drivers that dont use turn signals. I hate parents that bring their eight year old kids to R rated movies. I hate when something I've been into for a long time becomes popular. I hate people who give their kids weird names, really who wakes up in the middle of the night and desides to name there kid "Watermelondreshia."