Friday, September 23, 2011

Next Chapter


Chapter Two

The lights are flickering and the hallway looks never ending. I would be hard enough with people at your side, but I was all alone like a piece of drift wood out in the ocean. I started to walk towards my locker #407. I was aware of people looking, snickering, laughing, and whispering about me but I ignored it. Why succumb to the taunts, I was stronger than that. If they we going to talk amongst themselves why should I care, what did it matter to me. I kept telling myself that over and over again but my feelings didn’t change.

First period passed with mild whispering the same volume as in the hallway. But through second and third period the volume of the voices began to rise. Once or twice I heard wisps of their conversations; “look at that thing on her head”, “gosh that must suck”, “what a loser.” I knew they didn’t mean for me to hear because when they realized I was eavesdropping all of them blushed scarlet red.

I knew there are mean kids that are just dying to make fun of me, the second after I thought that a contradicting little voice in the back of my mind said “Have more faith in your peers, there aren’t that mean.” The Universe just loves to prove me wrong, doesn’t it?

Midway through lunch someone I remembered from last year walked up to me and asked me “Hey when did you get the gear.” I then replied with “Over the summer.” He started to laugh and I didn’t get what he thought was so funny till he yelled really loud “FREAK, you look like you just came out of a robot movie, ha-ha BRACE FACE!”

Everybody laughed; I'm not just saying “everybody” just to make it sound like there was a lot of people, literally every single person laughed at me. Something took over me it was like I was in a movie theater watching myself; completely powerless. I slapped him as hard as I could with my bulky back pack on and ran to the bathroom crying. I heard the lunch bell ring and knew there was no way to get to class in time. So, I sat there in the stall my tears hitting the metal of the head gear before slowing falling off and splashing sadly on the floor.

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